The debates about gun violence are non-stop. The controversial issue is not getting any smaller. Moms Demand Action released an ad that features two children, one holding a gun and the other holding a Kinder chocolate egg. The ad portrays how America forbids kinder chocolate eggs because they are a choking hazard to children, yet guns are still allowed. The ad includes emphasis of colors as well as rhetorical questioning to get their audience to inquire the issue of gun violence. The ad's background is darkened including everything but the children, gun and the egg. The children are highlighted making them stand out. The dark colors appeal to pathos, and create a negative connotation for advertisement. Instantly looking at the picture, you can tell there it is about a dark subject. The fact that the child is holding a giant all black gun, opposed to a small hand gun. The size and color of the gun add to the negative effect that this ad has. This creates audiences to question what guns could be doing in America. Along with this, the ad questions the audience with a caption that reads "We won't sell Kinder chocolate eggs in the interest of child safety. Why not assault weapons?" This directly addresses the audience on the issue of gun violence. It compares a kinder egg, which is a candy that was intended for kids to enjoy, with a gun that has the potential to kill someone. Clearly, the one that seems safer for the child is the egg. By questioning the reasoning behind which one is banned, it shows how ridiculous it seems that kids have access to these weapons. The ad overall, effectively raises the question of gun violence, and why it is an issue.
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